Atelier dddo > Photo > Nikon Coolpix 4500 > Angle of Fisheye etc.(2004.02.14)


2004.02.14, Report of Nikon Coolpix 4500 and
Fisheyeconverter FC-E8, Wide WC-E63.
(in parenthesis is focal length of to convert to 35mm)

E4500: F1 mode + FC-E8 (8mm)

E4500: F2 mode + FC-E8(16mm)

E4500: W mode + WC-E63(24mm)

E4500: x1 (38mm)

E4500: x4 + FC-E8 (32mm)

E4500: x4 + WC-E63(96mm)

E4500: x4 (154mm)

By the way, objects are around of my PC desk :-)

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